(Thanks to Arius for original draft of this amendment)
1) Droppable loot shall go to:
A) The people who need it and can and will use it as their new 'main item' on the character attending the raid. In case of two or more who fit in this category on one item, there needs to be a random roll between those people.
B) If no one on the raid can or would use a droppable looted item on their character attending, it should be randomed off to the remaining people who did not get a drop yet.
C) Items which people show no interest in and do not wish to roll on shall be sold off to cover gem costs for clerics, enchanters etc.
2) If you already received an item on the raid, you should not be receiving or rolling on another item unless:
A) You are going to use it as your main item in that slot and ALL others who can and would use it have already won something.
B) EVERYONE on the raid has gotten an item already.
3) Things to consider before deciding to roll on an item:
A) Just because an item is usable by your class/race, this does not automatically mean you are eligible to roll on it. (see rule 4)
B) If you would use an item only some of the time (i.e. soloing, social gatherings, or any other time not considered ALL the time), and someone on the raid would definitely use it ALL the time as their new main item in that slot, then you should not roll against this person.
4) LootMaster (LM) position: (do not confuse this with the group's Masterlooter (ML) ... the Masterlooter is simply the person who loots all corpses your group kills)
A) The LootMaster (LM) will be the person who will make those tough calls on which classes are eligible to roll when there are disagreements. The LM needs to be someone who can take and process inputs quickly, be fair to a fault and bluntly honest when needed (to an extreme if necessary), and not afraid to step on toes. The lootmaster MUST be decided before the raid begins, not delegated after a contested item drops. Lootmaster can only decide which classes can or cannot roll on an item, not which individuals.
5) Loot distribution:
A) Droppable loots should be held until the end of a raid unless EVERYONE on the raid who WOULD use the item is in total agreement that they want to roll early so the item gets used now, rather than later. The LM MUST concur with the decision to roll early. If there is ANY disagreement on when to roll, save that item until the end of the raid. Holding all items until the end will keep someone from excluding themselves from rolling on another item that is much much better.
B) When distributing loots at the end of a raid, the LM will start with the best item FIRST. If there is a question as to what is the best loot, the LM must take inputs and decide on what shall be rolled on first.
C) If someone has to leave a raid early, this is no problem. That person MUST tell the LM what items he or she is interested in rolling on and the LM will roll for them at the end of the raid. This is your responsibility!! If you do not tell the LM that you wish a roll on something, you will not get a reroll later! The item will be awarded and that is final.
6) Ownership of raid loots/bestowed loots:
A) Once you have raided, looted, rolled on, and won an item it is yours. Do with it as you please once you replace it with something better. It would be very nice of you to pass this item down, but it is not necessary. Use your personal judgment on this issue. However, if you have been bestowed an item by a guildee (i.e. singled out, asked if you would like it, and then handed the item for free), it is poor form to sell the item once you replace it. Pass these items down to other guildees.
Droppable Loot
- Zahasha
- Guild Leader
- Posts: 2261
- Joined: Fri Jan 04, 2002 1:00 am
- Location: Within a forested valley hidden deep in the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains
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Droppable Loot
"It is good to have an end to journey towards:
but it is the journey that matters in the end." ~Ursula K Le Guin